Top Notch Information From the Expert Himself, Chuck Wolf!
Insights Into Functional Training
Principles, Concepts, and Application
In his book, Chuck provides an in-depth, usable explanation of the 3D joint-by-joint approach to “functional anatomy”. He explains what each of the major muscles do in all three planes of motion. You’ll learn which muscles decelerate, stabilize or accelerate in each of the planes—not only what the anatomy book says, but also what actually happens in motion. Learn Chuck’s philosophies and applied concepts that have helped clients with various injury issues to the highest level athletes achieve optimal performance. Once you understand this, you’ll immediately be more confident in your workout programming.
Fitness DVD's
Click DVD Images for More Info
Core Connections
Core Connections
Explore how the forces placed upon the body and fascial system are transmitted and mitigated to create a unified and synergistically efficient movement that strengthen and mobilize the central unit. This DVD will demonstrate 35 movementutilizing body weight, medicine balls, ViPR’s, SandBells, and dumbbells to provide the ultimate Core Connection within the myofascial system of the body. - typo 35 movement(s)
Flexibility Highways
in Motion
In Motion
Mobilizing muscles and joints without incorporating a stabilizing movement pattern can actually increase the clients risk of injury. Flexibility Highways in Motion describes the Flexibility Highways and goes one step further, it provides strategies and rationale for movement patterns that proprioceptively reinforces the increased range of motion. This approach will enhance success for gaining strength through a tri-plane range of motion. Additionally, this video introduces the newest Flexibility Highway, The Turnpike, to the original 5 Flexibility Highways.
Fitness DVD's
Click DVD Images for More Info
Core Connections

Core Connections
Explore how the forces placed upon the body and fascial system are transmitted and mitigated to create a unified and synergistically efficient movement that strengthen and mobilize the central unit. This DVD will demonstrate 35 movementutilizing body weight, medicine balls, ViPR’s, SandBells, and dumbbells to provide the ultimate Core Connection within the myofascial system of the body. - typo 35 movement(s)
Flexibility Highways
in Motion
In Motion
Mobilizing muscles and joints without incorporating a stabilizing movement pattern can actually increase the clients risk of injury. Flexibility Highways in Motion describes the Flexibility Highways and goes one step further, it provides strategies and rationale for movement patterns that proprioceptively reinforces the increased range of motion. This approach will enhance success for gaining strength through a tri-plane range of motion. Additionally, this video introduces the newest Flexibility Highway, The Turnpike, to the original 5 Flexibility Highways.